Cannabis Plant

Center Overview

We provide discovery through cutting-edge cannabis and hemp research across multiple disciplines to advance knowledge about production, environmental and health impacts, testing, applications for use, and public policy.

The Cannabis and Hemp Research Center (CHRC) serves as the university’s hub, bringing together scientists, engineers, scholars and clinicians involved in research related to cannabis and hemp at UC Davis.

As a leader in agriculture, plant science and veterinary medicine, with a top-ranked medical center and law school, UC Davis has an extensive research infrastructure in place that is pioneering advancements in the knowledge of production, environmental and health impacts, testing, and applications for use as well as providing insight for social implications and public policy. 

The center is designated as a Special Research Program under the administration of the Office of Research.


Excellence in disciplinary and interdisciplinary research, education and community engagement on cannabis, cannabinoids and hemp at UC Davis.


The CHRC mission is to:

  • stimulate the development of leading-edge disciplinary and interdisciplinary research on campus through consultation, workshops, conferences and seminars.
  • promote interdisciplinary research and partnerships among university investigators, funding agencies and industry.
  • serve as a portal for external stakeholders and potential research partners to access expertise in cannabis and hemp research at UC Davis.
  • support educational and outreach activities on cannabis and hemp at UC Davis.
  • provide guidance and the necessary resources to ensure that the funding and conduct of cannabis research complies with all regulatory requirements and is consistent with the values and mission of UC Davis.


  • To provide guidance, oversight and technical assistance for regulatory affairs associated with cannabis and hemp research, and provide advocacy at the national, state and UC levels.
  • To link faculty research interests and capabilities with external funding and/or industry partnerships
  • To communicate research activities and achievements to the campus community and external stakeholders and policymakers
  • To stimulate opportunities for multi-disciplinary research collaboration, which includes coordinating and collaborating with other centers in the UC system
  • To perform pre-submission compliance reviews of proposed cannabis research projects (through its compliance review committee)